High Mountain Youth Project Drop-in Center and 24-hour Youth Crisis Shelter image

High Mountain Youth Project Drop-in Center and 24-hour Youth Crisis Shelter

Donate today to make a difference in a teen's life!

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For some teens in our communities:

Middle school and high school can be fun –– unless you can’t keep up with your assignments because you don’t have internet at home.

Middle school and high school can be fun –– unless you are hungry.

Middle school and high school can be fun –– unless other kids make fun of you because you are different.

Middle school and high school can be fun –– unless your school clothes are worn out or dirty.

Middle school and high school can be fun ––unless you are one of the 84 students who experienced homelessness last year.

Tent camping can be a lot of fun—unless you are doing it because you do not have a fixed, adequate, and regular nighttime residence.

RVing can be fun ––unless you are sharing the space with too many people because you do not have a fixed, adequate, and regular nighttime residence.

Staying in a motel can be fun — unless you are spending your last paycheck to stay there because you do not have a fixed, adequate, and regular nighttime residence.

Sleeping at a friend’s house can be fun –– until you are kicked out and have no other friends to stay with because you do not have a fixed, adequate, and regular nighttime residence.

Having a roof over your head is great –– unless it leaks, or you do not have electricity, or gas, or water because you do not have a fixed, adequate, and regular nighttime residence.

Join High Mountain Youth Project in our mission to provide a comprehensive safety net for youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness and other vulnerable youth. Your donation can help us continue this important work and provide free resources through our Evening Drop-in Center and 24-hour Youth Crisis Shelter with overnight care so youth will be safe, healthy, educated, housed, and self-sufficient.